Project Proposal

Joshua Riding
Project Proposal
I am going to be working as a chef in East by Southwest and the Golden Triangle. It is a sushi and a Japanese fusion restaurant. The food is all over the place in spice and taste. My mentor Sergio Verduzco went to culinary art school in New York. It was a prestigious school and when out of it he started working in a sushi restaurant becoming good at making sushi and then deciding to go to the southeast and southwest of Asia figuring out the best tasting and the best flavored food.
 I have a project that will incorporate this into it I had a feeling of making a dish for the Golden Triangle have a Japanese fusion and maybe incorporate some sushi into it. This will help the restaurant in the way that it will kind of connect the two restaurants together even though they were supposed to be separate. I can make a dish incorporating the better of the two restaurants and then having different tastes between the two dishes. Also I will then make it conservative with money so that the two dishes being used can be used a lot and then make the dish more than just an appetizer and make a bigger meal for people that wish to have it. This will help the restaurant by connecting the restaurants and also it will be conservative with money and then it also will have the best from the two restaurants.
 It will make it school appropriate because it will have me investigating the ingredients from the two dishes and will have me also looking at the taste. I feel like this will be an amazing thing to do as a project because of the way it works. It will help in multiple ways for the restaurant and for people that want to go there for more than just east by southwest or the golden triangle. They will get both

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