Mentor Interview

I do not have a recording so I am typing the interview with Carlos a cook at the Golden Triangle

Q. What are you responsibilities?
A. I work in the prep area mainly making sauces, chicken satay, beef skewers, etc. But, i also work in The Golden Triangle filling the spots that need to be filled such as the cold side of the Golden Triangle kitchen that needs to be filled most of the time.

Q.What is your greatest strength?
A. I would say that my best strength is the strength that all cooks need which is the ability to not break under a lot of pressure and always stay focused and stay on top of things because if you start to freak out and get overwhelmed with everything dishes won't get made and you will then be behind in your work

Q.Describe a typical week?
A. Well Monday is restock day so I get there early to get everything and make sure it is there and Mondays are usually slow sometimes can be busy after happy hour. Tuesday is pretty much the same nothing really different other than no restocking to do because we restocked the day before. Wensday is another restock day and same happens with Monday except Wensdays are usually not busy. Thursdays same as Monday and Tuesday and Wensday not really busy but no restock. Friday is a restock day for the weekend and it is a very busy day for happy hour and afterwards always very busy. Saturday and Sunday always busy like they should be and always a day that kicks your butt if you aren't ready for it.

Sadly this was all I could get from Carlos since we had to start work but, it is definitely exactly stuff I learned and a lot of things I helped with.

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